What We’re Wearing: Men’s Breezy Weekend Outfit

What We’re Wearing: Men’s Breezy Weekend Outfit

We’re entering a strange time. There’s still plenty of summer left, but heading into the heart of August, we’re also ready to start thinking about fall, right? But, it’s still too damn hot to really start dressing. When in doubt, look to Hollywood’s leading men. They employ some of the best stylists on the planet to ensure they always look good—and seasonally appropriate.

Take Glen Powell—who has enjoyed a successful couple of years playing a badass fighter pilot and a rizzless banker bro but most recently took on Twisters as a tornado wrangler. Stylist Warren Alfie Baker embraced Powell’s rough and tumble looks and has been outfitting him in jeans and boots, topped with relaxed shirts—often worn open over a fresh white tank. Throw in some shades, a Western belt for a pop of texture and you’ve got a fit that looks put together but is easy, breezy and completely comfortable. All without having to shell out the big bucks for a personal styling session.

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