Beacon Audiobooks Releases “Investigating the Kennedy Assassination: Did Oswald Act Alone?”

Beacon Audiobooks Releases “Investigating the Kennedy Assassination: Did Oswald Act Alone?”

For the first time in one place, the listener will see all the likely conspirators revealed.

The Warren Commission and the FBI agreed that President John F. Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. Fifteen years later, the House Committee on Assassinations re-examined the evidence.

They announced that he was not killed by a single gunman, but probably murdered as the result of a conspiracy.

This House Committee hesitated to speculate on who might have been involved in that conspiracy or why John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

In 1979, Michael Burke and former congressman Harold Ryan were asked to continue that investigation. This historical novel will take the listener back to that time. Burke and Ryan will peel back the passage of time and the layers of secrecy and denial to reveal the reasons so many elites were determined to stop the Kennedy agenda.

Beacon Audiobooks has just released “Investigating the Kennedy Assassination: Did Oswald Act Alone?” written by authors Robert Lockwood Mills and Michael Deeb with narration by Doug Greene.

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