A refreshingly simple manual that offers comfort to its audience in the form of actionable, workable steps.

A wide-ranging guide that offers tips and tools for caregivers, whether their patient is a client or a loved one.

Although Green differentiates between the roles of family caregivers and frontline caregivers, much of her advice applies in either capacity. The manual begins by introducing seven major tenets to practice as a long-term caregiver: self-care, empathy, empowerment, kindness, patience, communication awareness, and active listening. Green breaks each one down into subsections that rarely run longer than a paragraph or two; these short paragraphs are densely packed, however, and often include bullet points or small charts for maximum visual impact. The book’s second part consists of what might be considered the most difficult aspects of caregiving (appropriately titled “The Things No One Tells You”), including ways to handle patients who may be suffering from panic attacks, depression, or senses of isolation, guilt, or regret. The third part moves on to a personal account of Green’s own grief and coping mechanisms after her father died, as well as healthy ways to approach a sense of loss and fear. All chapters are interspersed with stories of interactions between caregivers and patients that help illustrate the points at hand, and they often provide practice scripts, complete with sample dialogue, showing how to work through situations that may be particularly complicated. Each chapter concludes with a handful of questions and prompts meant to get readers thinking more deeply about Green’s lessons, such as “Write one to three positive self-talk statements that you can refer to when you are distressed.”

Green largely keeps her advice simple, clinical, and easy to understand; as such, those beginning their caregiving journeys will feel just at home with this manual as those who’ve been doing it for years. That said, sometimes this results in information that feels obvious, such as advice on ways to show kindness: “Kindness is demonstrated when you display a genuine interest in the feelings and well-being of your loved one or client. You can practice kindness by being friendly, generous, and considerate.” At other times, though, Green offers insight into areas that most readers won’t have considered, such as the downside of having an overabundance of patience when asking for help: “You may feel so frustrated with your lack of control or the dependence that you have on another person that you simply say, ‘Forget it!’ and put the task aside.” The author smartly uses an array of informational tools to help readers visualize her advice, including color coding patience levels for easy reference: bright red for feelings of impatience and anger; orange for when patience is “being tested”; yellow to show room for improvement; green for healthy strategies to help maintain patience; and dark red for overabundant patience. Green’s unfussy language and gentle encouragement makes this a comforting read—not in an overly sentimental way, but in a manner that will have readers feeling more prepared to take on their assignments.

A refreshingly simple manual that offers comfort to its audience in the form of actionable, workable steps.

Pub Date: today

ISBN: 9798375805887

Page Count: 218

Publisher: Green Publishing

Review Posted Online: April 16, 2024

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